Every dog owner needs to know how to boost dog immune system to keep their fluffy friend healthy and happy. 

Dogs are excellent companions, and you must do your best as an owner to ensure you give them a robust immune system to keep them from getting sick.

Like all animals, your dog will get sick at some point, but a robust immune system will keep the effects mild and help with a quick recovery.

This is especially crucial for puppies as it lays a good foundation to keep the dog healthy to old age. Let’s get into the details and learn more; 

How To Boost Dog Immune System

The immune system is a crucial part of a dog’s life, affecting the quality of life and their relationship with their human companions. 

This means a strong immune system will lead to a healthier and happier dog, making for a better connection with the owner.

Dogs with weak immune systems will be naturally more reserved, but you can get a fantastic immune booster for dogs at sites like Doggie Herbs. So, how can you ensure your dog has a robust immune system? Let’s find out.

Ensure The Dog Is Clean.

We are all aware of the importance of proper cleanliness for our health. This also applies to dogs. Of course, dogs’ bodies react to unclean things differently; they smell and lick almost everything. 

This is not to say that a dog ought not to be clean. Maintaining basic hygiene is critical in increasing a dog’s immune system. Your dog’s immune system must battle with dirt and bacteria daily. 

Of course, some germs and parasites will boost your dog’s immune system, but there should be a healthy balance. Washing your dog regularly reduces the number of microorganisms, freeing up immunological reserves for more critical battles. 

However, remember that “regularly” does not imply “constantly” – if your dog is overly clean, his immune system may suffer. If you’re unsure how much washing your dog requires, consult your veterinarian.

Weight Control

The more a dog’s weight exceeds his ideal weight, the more difficult it is for his immune system to function. Consult your veterinarian about your dog’s optimal weight and how much food he should ingest daily, and then attempt to maintain that weight. 

Portion control is the most common approach to managing food consumption, and it is simple for you to use. Overweight or malnourished dogs have considerably weakened immune systems and are more susceptible to sickness. 

Healthy Diet

A nutrient-dense food is critical for your dog’s immune system. Antioxidants, in particular, play an essential role in keeping your pet healthy. Antioxidants are vitamins and minerals in foods that neutralize free radicals and prevent cell damage. 

Many typical meals, such as berries, fruits, and vegetables, are high in antioxidants. Some dog meals contain antioxidants, but not in sufficient levels to make a significant difference in your dog’s health. 

In that situation, antioxidant supplements in the form of pills can be given to your dog. Dried kidney, pinto, and red beans provide more antioxidants per 1/2 cup than fresh berries. 

If you wish to enrich your dog’s diet, feeding a small amount of these items is preferable to purchasing pricey, trendy foods. But remember that small amounts now and then will suffice; don’t overdo it!

You can use and give many excellent antioxidants to your dogs to get the benefits. They are affordable and easy to find, such as beans, cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, apples, black plums, Potatoes (cooked), cabbage, broccoli, and barley grasses.

Keep Toys And Bowls Clean.

Dogs will sniff and lick almost everything outside the house before returning to play among their “personal belongings.” Germs from your dog’s mouth will be spread to everything he touches. 

Washing toys and dishes minimizes the microorganisms the immune system needs to deal with daily. Daily cleaning with warm water (avoid dish soap because it may be poisonous) is essential for your dog’s health – a fast rinse typically suffices.

After cleaning, properly dry toys and bowls because the remaining moisture is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.

Keep Your Dog Stress-Free

Many pet owners are unaware that their canines are vulnerable to stress. Stress is a genuine issue for both dogs and humans. Stress can suppress the immune response and impair the body’s ability to fight disease. 

One of the secrets to keeping your dog healthy is to avoid stressful circumstances and places. So, if you want to strengthen your dog’s immune system, ensure they get enough exercise and sticks to a regular schedule of mealtimes, naps, and playtime. 

Avoid negative encounters with other animals and humans to keep your dog in a good and healthy frame of mind.

Regularly Visit The Vet.

The veterinarian is the best source for information on strengthening your dog’s immune system. Of course, we send our four-legged pets to the vet when sick or injured, but those appointments usually focus on a single problem.

Checkup appointments, on the contrary, are more comprehensive, allowing your veterinarian to assess your dog’s immune system and spot changes in your pet’s overall physical health. 

Vaccines and other types of protection can also be obtained from your veterinarian to ensure your dog does not become ill. A vet will also give advice specific to your dog to help give them the best diet and care for a robust immune system. 


You now have more information on how to boost dog immune system, and you can guide your pet’s health in the right direction. 

The best choice in most cases is to go to a vet and get professional advice on how to help your furry friend’s immune system.

Give your dog the proper diet, a few immune system boosters, enough exercise, and a stress-free environment. 

These things will build a nice mental and physical framework to help your dog get a strong immune system that will keep them safe until their old age.